Slowpreneur Creed:

I want to be patient. I want my business to grow within its means. I don't want to incur debt. I will hold back the charging bull. I will continue to live my life. I will learn every day. I will let go of the reins when it's ready. I will not be greedy. I will succeed.

Slowpreneur <noun>:

  1. A person who organizes and operates a new business or businesses with a patient approach to profits and growth while taking a measured financial risk.
  2. A person who begins a new business or businesses as a side project until it becomes established, thus before operating the business in a full time capacity.

August 31, 2012:

Only 3 results found. Slowpreneur was born.

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In a world of 80 hour work weeks, startup sacrifice, and no-holds-barred entrepreneurship, you strive to be different.

You want a better world right now, for you and for those that are important to you. You are the new standard of success.

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